Archived Events/ Spring 2019

3 Fall

3fall 2019


Thu 14 Feb 7.30pm | Full £10 | Conc £6 | Age 12+

3Fall Dance Company presents 3 new professional works as well as pieces from emerging choreographers from the University of Chichester. Carmine De Amicis, who dances for Richard Alston Dance Company, has created the work ‘1943’. The piece is situated in a small Italian town under invasion during World War II.

Antonia Grove’s ‘Ha Ha Ha’ explores uniformity and individuality within a group, as well as ideas of ritual practices and tribal dance.

James Wilton’s ‘R504’ is an intense work exploring the regimes of Stalinst Russia.

The show offers a mix of theatrical and captivating representations of contemporary dance theatre within a variety of themes.

Image credit: Andrew Worsfold