development | collaboration | partnership research | engagement | dialogue
We strive to support and develop a safe environment where creativity can flourish, ideas can be challenges and new work can be made. Working with artists and companies whose arts practice is innovative and exploratory in form. We hope to support a programme of extraordinary work which questions and develops arts practice in the 21st century as well as presenting opportunities for audiences to experience new work at every stage of its development.
The Formation Series gives artists the space and resources so that they can try out ideas as part of their development of new work. Audiences are invited to take part by giving feedback, which will support artists as part of this process.
Call out to artists …
At the ShowRoom we are developing our on-going programme of supporting artists and companies to make new work that is dynamic and innovative within a contemporary genre.
The Formation Series is a flexible platform for new and experienced artists who are looking to expand or reflect upon their practice through the development of a new idea.
If you are interested in hearing more and receiving details about how you can put forward a proposal please forward your contact details to and title your email CALL OUT TO ARTISTS.