• Events/ Formations Series/ Spring 2025/ What's On

    Formation Series

    Formations Series, The ShowRoom, Chichester 2024

    development | collaboration | partnership research | engagement | dialogue

    We strive to support and develop a safe environment where creativity can flourish, ideas can be challenges and new work can be made. Working with artists and companies whose arts practice is innovative and exploratory in form. We hope to support a programme of extraordinary work which questions and develops arts practice in the 21st century as well as presenting opportunities for audiences to experience new work at every stage of its development.

    The Formation Series gives artists the space and resources so that they can try out ideas as part of their development of new work. Audiences are invited to take part by giving feedback, which will support artists as part of this process.

  • Events/ Research Dialogues/ Spring 2025/ Student & Graduate Performances/ What's On

    Research Dialogues

    The ‘Research Dialogues’ series includes presentations, performances and informal discussions from external guest speakers and Arts researchers from the University of Chichester. The events will engage researchers in a consideration of research themes in relation to their own area of practice and research and aims to instigate an informal and lively exchange of ideas, practices and opinions.

  • Events/ Experience Days/ Spring 2025/ Student & Graduate Performances/ What's On

    Experience Days

    Theatre BA at The University of Chichester

    The University of Chichester’s Theatre department hosts an exciting range of open days where students can come and explore what the Theatre department has to offer. These range from Discovery Days to Insight Days which include workshops and lesson examples. The Theatre Departments Experience Day is a unique opportunity for students from sixth form and colleges, as well as arts professionals, to come along and see work created by our Third year students. A range of work will be on show, from devised productions to solo performances, as well as some more intimate Theatre experiences.