Thu 28 Feb 7.30pm Full £4 | Conc £3 | Age 16+
Part game show, part lecture, part love story, Purge explores where online friendship stops and real friendship begins.
Last year, Brian Lobel played a brutal game of friendship maintenance in which he gave strangers one minute to decide which of his 1342 Facebook friends to keep or delete. The deleting was real, the pace was maniacal, the results were final.
50 hours of performance, 800 emails from angry, amused and intrigued friends and over 2500 comments from people watching via live stream later, Purge (the stage show) examines the process of and fallout from Purge and explores how we emotionally and socially interact with digital media.
Development of Purge supported by Arts Council England.
Brian Lobel is a senior lecturer at the University of Chichester.
“Lobel creates endearingly brave work”
The Economist.