Archived Events/ Autumn 2013

Flexer & Sandiland

Flexer & Sandiland, Weightless


Thu 10 Oct 7.30pm Full £10 | Conc £6 | Age 15+

Weightless is the brand new work from Flexer & Sandiland. Celebrating the company’s 20th anniversary Weightless, in a tongue in cheek way, references its own historical position. It questions the ‘weight’ of history, both personal and aesthetic: what is it that roots us down physically and emotionally? What might it feel like to let go or take flight?

Engaging and thoughtful, this show carries Yael Flexer’s recognisable stamp of witty text and wry humour combined with fast paced, space-hungry movement and a driving musical score by composers Dougie Evans and Karni Postel. A collaboration with Nic Sandiland, Weightless includes live digital projection and a sonic environment of disembodied voices and after images with text by Wendy Houstoun.

“Dance that is unforced, unaffected, charming and smart”
Time out.