• Archived Events/ Spring 2023

    Shôn Dale-Jones

    Still Floating by Shon Dale-jones. c.Jaimie Gramston

    Still Floating 

    Thursday 2nd March, 7.30pm

    Full £12 | Conc £8 | Age 14+

    When someone suggests that Shôn should remount his 2006 Total Theatre award-winning hit show FLOATING (Barbican, Sydney Opera House) about the Isle of Anglesey floating away from mainland Britain, he is sure it isn’t what the world needs right now. 

    2006 is not 2022. As Shôn explains why he shouldn’t present the show we find out that sometimes going backwards helps us move forwards.

    Told by two-time Fringe First winner, this is a funny, uplifting and moving story, making the real and unreal fit together in one surprising whole. 

    “Reduces audiences to tears and rapture”

    The Guardian
    Image credit: Jaimie
  • Archived Events/ Spring 2023

    Action Hero

    The Talent by Action Hero, Deborah Pearson © Ana Viotti 2022

    The Talent

    Thursday 9th March, 7.30pm

    Full £12 | Conc £8 | Age 16+ | Theatre

    A woman in a sound booth is talking. She is talking to herself. She is talking to you. She is talking to everyone. She is gifted, professional, mercurial; it seems as if she can summon almost any kind of voice and create any kind of world. 

    She is selling you something
    She is telling you a story 
    She sounds like a cereal ad 
    She sounds like a cartoon 
    She sounds like a meditation tape 
    She sounds like a shapeshifter 
    She sounds like the ocean 

    You would listen to her say anything. Her voice is all around. Her voice is all there is. Her voice is all that’s left. She conjures her own ghost in real time. 
    The Talent is a new show by Action Hero and Deborah Pearson about the legacy of the human voice in a non-human future. 

    “Some of the most thrilling work currently being produced in the uk”

    The Guardian
    Image credit: Ana Viotti