• Archived Events/ Spring 2010

    Formation Series Events Spring 2010

    Participation, Sharing, Development

    1927 present

    A few skewed scenes from their new show

    Thu 21 Jan 7.30pm Informal sharing | Free admission! | Age 14+

    1927This city;
    She was built upon a brown water bog.
    They drained her dry and set about building.
    Meccano men gone mad.

    Only “The Bayou” could not be built upon.
    A quaking bog, where the birches bend and tremble with every footfall.
    Where cloudberries spring up through scabs of sun faded crisp packets and carrier bags.
    Where bog hopper beetles crawl across the bare bones of umbrellas.
    They say
    There is a beast in the bayou.

    1927 introduce you to their new nightmarish world and its inky inhabitants, performed in 1927’s unique style merging animation, live actors and music. This is a work in progress, featuring but a few scenes from the show that will be complete in late 2010.


    Kristin Fredricksson

    Everything Must Go or The Voluntary Attempt to Overcome Unnecessary Obstacles

    Thu 18 Mar 7.30pm Informal sharing | Free admission! | Age 14+

    Kristin FredrickssonAn athletic-puppetic duet between father and daughter. Cinefilm, clowning, puppetry and hurdling are used to explore a father’s life – from dosshouse childhood to dancing on graves. In this meditation on love, loss, memory and play, we see Dad training for the Olympics by day and dragging up by night. With age his money-saving schemes become increasingly elaborate, from the secrets of free water to newspaper-stealing shoes. But eventually EVERYTHING MUST GO.

    Disarmingly skewwhiff…hugely affectionate The Times ****
    Funny, inventive and touching Time Out *****
    ‘Total Theatre Award (Devised performance) 2009, The Arches Brick Award 2009’

    Bill Aitchison

    Almost Three

    Thu 22 Apr 7.30pm Informal sharing | Free admission! | Age 15+

    Bill AitchisonAlmost Three is a show about a first memory: a day trip to London in the 1975. It is a show rich in images and movement, in the sights and sounds of a place and time. As we go further into this scene it becomes clear that the mind may be playing games with us, that these things may never have existed like this. Almost Three stages, in Aitchison’s typically precise, idiosyncratic style, this game of picturing a scene that threatens to disappear in
    front of our eyes. With one eye looking back to the 70’s and the other looking resolutely forward, Almost Three is contemporary movement theatre for the 21st Century.

    humorous intelligent, sensuous theatre Frankfurter Allgemeine

    Created and performed by Bill Aitchison with Boris Kahnert (light) and James Dunn (sound). With support from Camden Peoples Theatre and The Showroom.


  • Archived Events/ Spring 2010

    Seminars, Presentations, Demonstrations – Winter/Spring 2010

    Contemporary arts research seminars 2009

    Andrea Davidson and Jem Kelly

    Andrea Davidson and Jem Kelly: Inter_views, an interactive telematic research project for Internet

    Dance and New Media

    Wed 27 Jan 12pm Venue: Bishop Otter Campus: Room E124 (TBC) | Free admission!

    Current debates on telepresence and telematic forms of communication often revolve around notions of immediacy and virtual representation. Following Bergson’s idea of two memories, ‘recollection memory’ oriented towards the past, and ‘contraction memory’ oriented towards the future, Inter_views proposes a mobile, 2-way site dance
    performance that tests Bergson’s notion of memory and its link to the perception of time and space. Connecting two remotely located spaces via a real-time Skype audio link and a delayed QuickTime Broadcast video link, the project was first presented at the H2PTM Festival, Université Paris 8, as well as University of Chichester on Sept 30th 2009.

    Marisa Zanotti: Being Norwegian: a disorder of the senses

    Dance and New Media

    Wed 10 Feb 12pm Venue: Bishop Otter Campus: Room E124 (TBC) | Free admission!

    Marisa Zanotti will be screening her new short Being Norwegian: (I begin on Wagner) created in response to Elena Del Rio’s writing on Claire Denis Beau Travail (1999) in her paper ‘Performing The Narrative of Seduction’ (2003). The screening will be followed by a discussion of her research process and outcomes.

    Life Music

    Rod Paton: LIFEMUSIC – music as a community resource

    Community Music

    Wed 24 Feb 12pm Venue: Bishop Otter Campus: Room E124 (TBC) | Free admission!

    The Lifemusic project develops the use of music as a community resource, with financial support from HEFCE. The method is based on music improvisation; the emphasis is on the health and well-being of participants. Rod Paton outlines the method – describing some of the outcomes with a variety of groups including neurological rehabilitation, mental health groups, older people working alongside the young, and people from the migrant workers community; and demonstrates how Lifemusic can be put into practice in the community, with reference to his book due to be published in April 2010.

    Sarah Rubidge and Neil Bryant: Developing Interactive Documentation for Digital Installations

    Digital Media and Dance

    Wed 10 Mar 12pm Venue: Bishop Otter Campus: Room E124 (TBC) | Free admission!

    This seminar will discuss the results of preliminary research into the development of interactive documentation of large-scale digital installations. Neil Bryant and Sarah Rubidge have been developing prototype documentation of two of Sarah’s installations
    (Fugitive Moments and global drifts) using open source games engine technology.
    These prototypes allow the viewer to navigate through screen-based 3D representations of the digital installations (which incorporate the installation’s original digital imagery) and thus experience the artistic ambience of the installations. The seminar will discuss both the technical and theoretical issues encountered during the project.

    Steve McDade

    Steve McDade: Tectonic/house

    Video and sound installation/performance

    Wed 24 Mar 12pm Venue: Bishop Otter Campus: Room E124 (TBC) | Free admission!

    Volcano imagery/sonic soundscape. Improvised music against video projection of volcano and paintings derived from house interiors. The work continues the research theme of ‘Displacement’ and draws on geological plate movement as a metaphor for the
    experience of individuals caught up in the seismic shifts of contemporary history.

    Further details

    Find out more: artsresearch@chi.ac.uk