• Archived Events/ Autumn 2018

    Christopher Brett Bailey

    Christopher Brett Bailey_SuicideNotes_image-credit-Jemima-Yong

    Suicide Notes …
    the spoken word of Christopher Brett Bailey

    Thu 18 Oct 7.30pm | Full £10 | Conc £6 | Age 16+

    A different-every-night, shouting & reading show… stories, poems and black humour. Bailey’s words deliver a linguistic kaleidoscope of caustic cartoons, crackpot prophesies and demented erotica. Verbal diarrhoea, dirty jokes, venomous poetry, and tall tales that corkscrew deep into nightmares. Tonight he is a voice box and a microphone and nothing more: a potty mouthed poet, a reverend with a forked tongue, a standup comedian from hell, delivering a symphony of verbal adrenaline and twisted humour, a dense, poetic blend of the hallucinogenic and the hardboiled, a live action short story collection for the depraved, the depressed and the death obsessed.

    “A beautiful maniac onstage with a mircrophone”

    Snap Reviews

    “If gonzo journalism ever needed a news anchor, this would be the guy”


    “A loaded Kerouac…his wit glitters like broken glass”

    Sydney Morning Herald

    “A juggernaut, a plosive onslaught…a mesmeric presence”

    The Stage


    Image credit: Jemima Yong
  • Archived Events/ Autumn 2018

    Casson & Friends



    Thu 22 Nov 7.30pm | Full £10 | Conc £6 | Age 12+

    A new dance & technology collaboration that puts YOU in control more than ever before… RecordBreaking Dance Artist Tim Casson and BAFTA award-winning Digital Artist Seb Lee-Delisle, present their first collaboration: CHOREOCRACY: The fun interactive dance show that puts the audience in control of the performance. Seb and Tim will be your guides through the show, and using innovative mobile technology, will give you control over the three highly skilled dance performers in real-time -with no experience of dance required. The long clinical studies have been conducted since 1993 in order to confirm the properties of Viagra https://tiaca.org/buy-viagra-sildenafil-online-20-mg/. As a result, the high efficiency and safety of Viagra in the fight against erectile dysfunction has been proven. Find out what happens when we ask the public what would make a good show, decide what you do or don’t want to see, and have your say about what the dancers do next: as we explore whether a dance performance can be truly democratic…

    Commissioned by DanceEast and Supported by Theatre Delicatessen, South East Dance, and Studio Wayne McGregor through the FreeSpace Programme.

    Supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

    “Casson is a choreographic provocateur in the way he blurs the distinction between audience and performerby combining or inverting the two”

    Nicholas Minns, writingaboutdance.com


    Image credits: Alisa Boanta