Archived Events/ Spring 2011

Tinned Fingers

Tinned Fingers 2011 Spring

The Last Romance Club [ever]

Thu 20 Jan 2011
Age: 14+

We are hopeful. We are looking for love. We want to get lucky. We want to serenade you outside your window at night. We want to give you our last rolo. We can’t sing but, for you, we’ll try.

The Last Romance Club (ever) is an exploration of romance and loneliness and the ways in which the two are implicitly bound up in each other. It is about lonely hearts and late night radio stations, iconic film scenes and clichés and chance encounters: it is about nostalgia and the romance we imagine we might have lost, or never had, and it is about trying to be honest, which is always harder than we expect.

Tinned Fingers are a group of artists with backgrounds in writing, theatre and visual arts who work collaboratively to create experimental live performance and interactive events.
Photo credit: Chris Collier