Archived Events/ Spring 2011


Analogue 2011 Spring

Beach Head

Thu 17 Feb 2011
Full £10 / Conc £6 / Schools & Colleges £5
Age: 14+

It’s been a month since Stephen jumped.

Amy collects her husband’s effects, the things he had with him gathered in a single box. There was no sign – no warning. As fractured memories of their last night together rewind, replay and unravel, she is desperate to find out why.

Joe and Matt are making a documentary. Whilst reviewing their footage they make a startling discovery that will take their film in an unexpected direction – the blurred image of a man jumping from the cliffs.

Beachy Head is a powerful look at the ripple effects of one man’s decision to take his life. Mixing text, 3D animation and a dynamic physicality, Beachy Head is the follow up to the award-winning Mile End from “visionary young company” Analogue (Metro).

“A quietly splendid production, magically well staged: it lingers long.”

Commissioned and originally co-produced by New Wolsey Theatre. Co-commissioned by Farnham Maltings.

Photo credit: Geraint Lewis (Analogue 1.jpg) and Mike Kwasinak (Analogue 2.jpg)