Super Duper Close Up
Thu 18 Nov 7.30pm | Full £12 | Conc £8 | Age 16+
We’re all starring in the movie of our life. Selfie after selfie, post after post. It’s exhausting. So take a break. Bask in the glow of the big screen as someone else has a go. See the heroine all dewy-eyed as the camera zooms in. And in. And in.
Get set for a live-filmed ride through the anxieties of an unsettlingly ordinary woman’s existence. An epic journey to everywhere and nowhere, through a labyrinth of click-bait and pop cliché, via an infinite stream of frozen pouts and desperate smiles.

Razor sharp innovators Made In China return following the ‘brilliantly subversive Double Double Act’
★★★★ Time Out
Tonight I’m Gonna Be The New Me was murderously entertaining
★★★★ The Guardian