Archived Events/ Autumn 2018

Christopher Brett Bailey

Christopher Brett Bailey_SuicideNotes_image-credit-Jemima-Yong

Suicide Notes …
the spoken word of Christopher Brett Bailey

Thu 18 Oct 7.30pm | Full £10 | Conc £6 | Age 16+

A different-every-night, shouting & reading show… stories, poems and black humour. Bailey’s words deliver a linguistic kaleidoscope of caustic cartoons, crackpot prophesies and demented erotica. Verbal diarrhoea, dirty jokes, venomous poetry, and tall tales that corkscrew deep into nightmares. Tonight he is a voice box and a microphone and nothing more: a potty mouthed poet, a reverend with a forked tongue, a standup comedian from hell, delivering a symphony of verbal adrenaline and twisted humour, a dense, poetic blend of the hallucinogenic and the hardboiled, a live action short story collection for the depraved, the depressed and the death obsessed.

“A beautiful maniac onstage with a mircrophone”

Snap Reviews

“If gonzo journalism ever needed a news anchor, this would be the guy”


“A loaded Kerouac…his wit glitters like broken glass”

Sydney Morning Herald

“A juggernaut, a plosive onslaught…a mesmeric presence”

The Stage

Image credit: Jemima Yong